Printable Resources
Your Financial Considerations: An Information Guide for Homeowners Thinking About Adding a Second Suite
Overview of financial gains and risks.
Creating A Second Suite: An Information Guide for Homeowners
Information on the process and Fire, Electrical, Building and Property Standards requirements for owners creating a Second Suite.
Creating A Second Suite: An Information Guide for Homeowners
Information on the process and Fire, Electrical, Building and Property Standards requirements for owners creating a Second Suite.
Thinking About Adding a Second Suite?
Promoting the creation of Second Suites.
Steps to Creating a Second Suite
Follow the steps to create a Second Suite.
Resources for Homeowners
Bed Bug Information
The best method to deal with bed bugs is Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which combines a variety of techniques and products that pose the least risk to human health and the environment.
Electrical Safety Authority
ESA’s vision is an Ontario free of electrical fatalities and serious injury, damage, or loss.
Insurance Bureau of Canada
Home insurance protects you from having to pay out a huge amount at once, often at the very worst time emotionally.
Landlord's Self-Help Centre
Landlord’s Self-Help Centre is a non-profit community legal clinic which supports Ontario’s small-scale landlord community exclusively.
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
The goal of the Ministry of Housing is to strengthen Ontario by ensuring it is made up of safe and strong communities with abundant green space, thriving and prosperous economies, and a range of housing choices.
Helping Your Tenants
Rent Bank
Landlord and tenant mediation, money management advice, follow-up support and community links.
Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee
The Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee plays a role in, protecting mentally incapable people.
Tenant hotline
The Tenant Hotline is a free telephone counselling service for tenants in Toronto, Ontario, operated by the Federation of Metro Tenants’ Associations.
Vulnerable Adults & Seniors Team (Toronto)
The team provides services to vulnerable adults and seniors, with a focus on older adults over 55 years.
VHA home healthcare
VHA Home HealthCare (VHA) is a not-for-profit, charitable organization that offers 24/7 health care and support services to people of all ages and cultural backgrounds.
U of T housing services
Finding and maintaining suitable housing is a key part of a student’s personal and academic success. Housing Services offers the information, resources and support to meet housing goals.